Wednesday, November 3, 2010

These are a few of my Favorite Things Pt. 2

I finally watched "The Sound of Music" reunion on Oprah and absolutely loved it. In honor of celebrating 45 years of this classic musical, here are a few (more) of my favorite things about Korea.

  • Umbrella Bags- You know when it rains and your umbrella gets all wet and then you go inside and it drips all over?! Well, Korea has this problem solved. At the entrance of all buildings they have umbrella sized plastic bags. You just have to put your umbrella in a bag and wahlah... no water. It's a lot more convenient than it might sound.
  • Cell Phone Charms- If you are a frequent The Real World: Korea reader, then you know about my love for cell phone charms.
  • Keyless Doors- You don't have to worry about carrying or losing your keys ever again. I have a nifty (yes, I just used the word nifty) key pad that opens and locks my door. It even talks back. Thanks to my advanced translating skills I'm guessing it says: locked, unlocked, wrong code, and when the battery is low.
  • Call Buttons at Restaurants- Wrong order? More water? Ketchup? Just press the button and someone will be at your service.
  • Elevator Buttons- Have you ever been in an elevator and a kid (or yourself) pushes ALL of the buttons and then you have to stop on every floor? In Korea, if you mis-push a button, just push it again and it comes undone. Also, the close door button actually works. If you push it, the door really does close!
  • K-Pop- Perez Hilton recently posted 2NE1's latest video on his blog. Love it.

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