Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Name Game Pt. 2

Besides the fact that the top boy and girl names of the year are 'Twilight' inspired, Isabella and Jacob, everyone should take note of the names in my Seed 1 class.

The infamous, Joy, renamed, T-ara, is now 'Girls Generation' another popular K-pop music group. Another boy previously named, Tom, was inspired by Joy/T-ara/Girls Generation name changes and is now 'After School' yet another K-pop group. The only other boy in the class, Alex, didn't want to be left out so he is now 'Monkey'. I can't help, but laugh every time I call on Girls Generation, After School, or Monkey in class.

I also want to mention that when there is more than one student with the same name in a class, instead of using last names or initials, they are numbered. I don't think I have any numbered students in my classes this term, but last term I had an Eric and Eric-1. Oh I take that back, I have a class with a Peter and a Peter-1. He literally writes Peter-1 on all of his papers and won't answer unless I say 'one' after Peter even if the other Peter is absent.

P.S. My Korean name is Eun Gee (spelling?) Kim. I always thought it was pronounced N-G Kim, but I was wrong. Eun is like the 'oo' +n sound from 'moon' and then the rest was right, Gee Kim. I'm still working on my Korean, but at least I can say my name correctly now.

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