Sunday, May 9, 2010


I've recently learned about some interesting Korean superstitions.

-If you are in a room and have the windows closed and turn a fan on, you will suffocate and die.
-Cutting your nails or toenails at night is bad luck.
-Four is an unlucky number. Just like some buildings in the US don't have a 13th floor, it's common in Korea to not have a forth floor, instead it's the "F" floor.
-If you write someone's name in red ink it means death.

Those are the only ones I learned and the list looked pretty lame so I looked up a few more.

-If you give your significant other a pair of shoes as a gift, he or she will leave you.
-On the day of a big test, don't wash your hair. They believe it will wash away your memory and you won't remember what you studied.
-If you see the Korean magpie (bird) especially in the morning, you will have good luck.
-If you see a crow or raven when you're leaving your house, you will have bad luck, but only for that day.

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