Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Kids are all Right, but Something is Wrong

On Saturday, I had a nice girls day out filled with a trip to the movies and TGI Friday's. I've been craving western food, so TGI Friday's was a treat.

We saw "The Kids Are All Right" and it's a movie I'd definitely recommend. There were five of us so one person just paid for all of the tickets and we paid her back. I was standing behind everyone and the lady at the counter pointed at me and asked how old I was. Ok, so this could go one of two ways, neither of which are ok.

1.) She thought that I was young enough to qualify for a kids ticket (ok, saves me a few bucks), but that means I looked 12 and under.


2.) She thought I wasn't old enough to see an R rated movie which means I looked 17 and under.

For those of you who lost track, I'm 23 years old.

I'm hoping that this whole age thing will eventually catch up to me so I figure by the time I'm 50 people will actually think I'm 40 which is the new 30. So there.

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