Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Every Monday I ask my students what they did over the weekend. Some typical responses usually include: played (computer) games, went to school, went to Home Plus, saw [fill in the blank] movie, studied (I always give A+'s to students who say that), etc. Well, today one student said she went to... Hawaii.

Hawaii. As in the tropical islands. I couldn't believe my ears. She explained that she flew to Hawaii on Saturday morning and returned Sunday night so that she could attend school on Monday. This just proves how important education is in Korean society.

She went on this micro-mini-vaca with her parents and when I asked what she did there she said, "I ate some ramen and slept." That statement almost killed me. Hawaii must have some pretty delicious ramen and luxurious sleeping arrangements in order for her family to fly 10 hours, eat (ramen of all things) and sleep for 24 hours, and then travel another 10 hours back to Korea. It still didn't make sense, so I thought maybe her geography was a little (or a lot) off.

I pulled up a world map and pointed to Korea and said "We are here." I moved my finger across the Pacific Ocean and said, "You went allll the way over here to Hawaii for the weekend?" Sure enough, she did.


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