Friday, July 9, 2010

Let's Eat to the Beat

Today my little Seed 1 class (with Hedgehog) was all about junk food. The lesson talked about burgers and fries and how they were bad for you. Anyways, I asked Hedgehog to repeat a line and instead of saying french fries, he said, "french fires." So adorable.

Today was also an acting day so the class was able to recite and record the news report we've been practicing all week. Hedgehog is quite the trend setter because the whole class now sticks their erasers on top of their pencils and uses them as microphones. However, he's still the only one who has the finger-waving-divo thing going on.

With a few extra minutes in class, what better way to spend the time than singing and dancing?! Since today's lesson was on junk food, the infamous fast food song popped into my head. I basically taught them the whole junior year field day march complete with chicken wings and m's with a lean to the side for McDonald's. I can now check "teach kids the fast food song dance" off my list.

P.S. Incase you don't know what song I'm talking about check out this link:

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