Wednesday, July 14, 2010

[minor] Problemo

So, I just had a nice catch up sesh with my mom via Skype and I told her I had to go paint my nails. Being the mother of well, me, she understood and let me go. I was on my second coat of yellow nail polish and jamming out to Mamma Mia! when all of a sudden I heard a loud pop in the corner and the lights went out.

At the time a few things went through my head (listed in chronological order):

1.) Really?! I only have two nails left to paint.
2.) At least my computer still works.
3.) It's dark.

I'm currently sitting in the dark still unsure of what to do. My AC, TV, computer, and bathroom lights still work, so I guess I'll just wait until the morning to figure it out. Hopefully it's nothing major.

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