Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hong Kong by Numbers

  • Number of different flights: 4
  • Number of different airports: 3
  • Number of different hotels: 2
  • Total amount of hours in the Beijing Airport: 3
  • Number of times on the HK metro: Uncountable. HK has the most efficient subway system I've ever been on.
  • Number of different forms of transportation: 9 (KTX, bus, plane, taxi, subway, cable car, trolley, airport shuttle, ferry)
  • Number of different types of food consumed: 5 (American, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Irish... mmm, sauerkraut)
  • Number of minutes we had to spare making our flight out of HK: maybe 3
  • Number of times I ate dim sum: 0... I know, it's basically a sin.
  • Number of pink dolphins I saw: Z-E-R-O
  • Percentage rate of seeing a pink dolphin: 97% positive
  • Level of typhoon that hit HK: 3
  • Number of times we went to Delany's Irish Pub: pushing 5, 6, 7, 8?
  • Number of hours we waited to see the (non-existent) fire dragon: about 2


  1. fire dragon? pink dolphins? please tell me more. and pictures!!!

  2. I love sauerkraut too! mmm! And I am still crossing my fingers that you will see these pink dolphins!
