Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Spotted: Teacher

Remember when you were younger and it was always such a big deal to see your teacher(s) outside of school? I never realized they had a life outside of the classroom even though both of my parents were educators and clearly had a life outside of their school.

I went to Home Plus after work on Monday and while I was trying to avoid being conned into buying something I didn't need* I noticed this boy running around the aisles with a shopping cart. As he turned the corner, I realized the boy was one of my former students. He was actually a well-behaved student in class so I was surprised he was a little rambunctious in the store. At first he looked caught off guard, but after he realized it was me he greeted me with a smile and bow.

Tonight I was in the lobby of my apartment building and another one of my former students plus her family walked out of the elevator. Students are always asking me where I live and I've always seem to avoid the dreaded question, but now at least one of them know the answer for sure. She had the same reaction the boy did in Home Plus, but eventually greeted me with a smile and bow. Luckily she's very quiet and I'm actually not even sure if she still goes to April, but hopefully there won't be a swarm of students hanging out at the Itel now.

*The HP employees did it again. I must be companies dream consumer because I'm easily influenced and will buy just about anything with pink or sparkly packaging. Even though I successfully avoided the tofu ladies, I was persuaded to buy a new brand of eggs.

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